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About Us

An international and multidisciplinary team

Maria Soledad Pera is an Associate Professor at the Web Information Systems group of the EEMCS faculty at TU Delft. Sole’s research focuses on Information Retrieval, with a special emphasis on enhancing information access for underserved user groups. She serves as (S)PC for SIGIR, UMAP, CHIIR, RecSys, and ECIR. She was General Chair for RecSys’18 and Program Chair for UMAP ’23 and CIKM ’24. Among others, she co-organized the ComplexRec workshop and 6 editions of the KidRec workshop (on search and recommendation for children).


Federica Cena is an Associate Professor at the Computer Science Department of the University of Turin. She works on the intersection of Artificial Intelligence and Human-Computer Interaction. Her recent research has studied the Internet of Things implications for user modelling and personalization, with a special focus on assistive applications for cognitive disabilities and frailty.


Angelo Geninatti Cossatin is a PhD candidate at the Computer Science Department of the University of Torino. His research interests concern recommender systems, user modelling and human-computer interaction. He is currently working on projects related to understudied users, namely people with ASD.


Theo Huibers has researched information retrieval and human media interaction for over 30 years. Since 2002, he has been a professor in Human Media Interaction & Computer Science at the University of Twente, focusing on search systems for children.


Monica Landoni is a titular professor at the faculty of Informatics at Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI). She is Chair of the ACM Interaction Design and Children Conference Steering Committee and a member of EUGAIN, the European Network For Gender Balance in Informatics. She has worked on national and European projects investigating how technology can support children when searching, writing, and reading for education and pleasure. 


Noemi Mauro

is a Tenure-track Assistant Professor at the Computer Science Department of the University of Torino, where she obtained a PhD in Computer Science with Honors. Her research interests concern user modelling, recommender systems, cultural heritage, information filtering, and information visualization. She is a PC member of the top conferences in her research areas and a reviewer for several related journals. She co-edited the special “Intelligent Systems for People with Diverse Cognitive Abilities" issue in the Human-computer Interaction journal. She is an Editorial Board Member of the User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction journal.


Emiliana Murgia  

With a degree in Literature and courses, including Communication and School Management School, Emiliana transitioned from a career in communication to teaching at the primary school in 1999/2000; actively promoting technology in education, she has been a "digital animator" at school, managing various national and international projects, and has collaborated with the University of Milano Bicocca since 2014 on teaching with technologies. In 2018, she joined a multidisciplinary, international research team focusing on online information access for children, including AI. Currently on secondment to participate in a National Doctorate program in Learning Sciences and Digital Technologies

Meet The Team

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